West Mersea Neighbourhood Plan - What does it all mean?

Many in our community will know of the existence of some planning law and the importance it holds for them. Every newspaper it seems carries articles about how planning law is now under consideration but one important local planning measure in recent times is our West Mersea Neighbourhood Plan.
The importance it provides for our local community in West Mersea is for the plan to be part of the legal planning framework for our area (Localism Act 2011 ). Whilst things can change, it offers the best set of local specific planning requirements that can be cited at the present time. West Mersea Town Council and residents are able to point to the obligations it contains when dealing with planning applications. This applies whether they are big or small, and to the different types of building that are applied for.
The Neighbourhood Plan took account of a public consultation session held in 2018 and later four surveys sent to 3,400 addresses in West Mersea. It considered the special characteristics that we know so well, unique matters such as our island situation and the Strood, with our environment and historic buildings. It recognised, the important mix of tourism and the development of West Mersea that has taken place. The Local Development Plan was a major factor in the Plan’s determination with the preparation of the Local Plan for Colchester and the surrounding districts forming a vital part. It was said on the Local Plan of West Mersea that it was “a relatively self-contained coastal community offering quality tourism and recreational communities. The West Mersea waterfront will be conserved for its historic maritime -related local businesses.”
So, what did our Neighbourhood Plan determine? It set the planning strategy within the Local Development Plan for Colchester for the period until 2033 and the first planning strategy that any new development will be within a settlement boundary. This defined by a Policy Map. This provides a limit to where development could take place subject to the overriding determination of the Colchester Local Plan. The land beyond that to be treated as countryside for planning purposes and by criteria set out in the overall Local Plan. It further dealt with the details of housing development provided within the settlement area as approved in the Local Plan and any “brownfield field” sites that can come forward.
Key strategy points of the Neighbourhood Plan
There should be support for the retention of single storey buildings, or those of one and a half storey.
Development Proposals "should not have a detrimental impact on the character of the vicinity and the amenity of nearby residents by way of overlooking and loss of light.”
It set planning constraints on new houseboats, open space, sport and recreation sites provisions, transport proposals, retention of existing employment centres and referred to the importance of the Town Centre.
With regard to to new health facilities, it cited the importance of increasing the capacity and stated that this was a key policy. It noted that “there have been three attempts over the past fifteen years to replace the Medical Centre and all have fallen for one reason or another.” Regretfully it is the view of MIS that we are no further in gaining a new medical facility with negotiations stalled and the NHS not seemingly wishing to act to resolve the stalemate.
Residents are invited to look at the full Neighbourhood Plan on the West Mersea Town Council website, or obtain a copy from the Council’s offices in Melrose Road. It will be seen that the Neighbourhood Plan is a very comprehensive document and that it contains a detailed attention to the natural environment, landscape and coastal protection. Also dealt with is a section on tourism and caravan parks, seeking that the latter is dealt within policies that any growth is within certain strict criteria. Development design or improvement of existing housing is also provided for in the Plan, so that key features and characteristics are dealt with according to local and area requirements.
The Plan is subject to regular review by the Town Council and will be the matter of a report to the Annual Meeting of the Council in April. This will be repeated every year and residents will be able to have their say on compliance and steps being taken to ensure that its development takes place as outlined.
This is what Govts says it wants from Neighbourhood Plans:
“Neighbourhood planning provides a powerful set of tools for local people to plan for the types of development to meet their community’s needs and where the ambition of the neighbourhood is aligned with the strategic needs and priorities of the wider local area. “Neighbourhood planning gives communities direct power to develop a shared vision for their neighbourhood and shape the development and growth of their local area.”
As stated, in times where planning is the subject of so much controversy the status of Neighbourhood Planning is also likely to be examined. Recent announcements by the Govt. have pointed to its significance and the Mersea Island Society will provide an ever helpful role in ensuring that the important contents of our Neighbourhood Plan are upheld.
Above all, thanks to all those in the Neighbourhood Plan Planning Group and subgroups, they produced a very well thought out Plan. It provides a vision, planning policies, proposals for improving our area and also possible new facilities. The basis for not only West Mersea Town Council to decide whether planning applications can be approved but also the Colchester City Council. Also now subject to consideration by a Govt. Planning Inspector last year when a larger scale development was proposed in West Mersea.
Mersea's neighbourhood plan was was voted upon by residents of West Mersea in 2022 and received an 88% endorsement on a turnout of nearly 22%. The vote was open to all households.